
Why We Micromanage and How To Stop

I have a confession to make. I’m a control freak. I like things done the right way. Of course, when I say “right way” I mean, “my way.” If someone does something well — but not exactly the way I like it done — I will go out of my way to correct it. I’m sure my wife would be happy to tell you [...]

2020-04-21T08:27:14-05:00October 26, 2016|Leadership|

What Your Assistant Wishes You Would Do

Imagine this — tomorrow morning you arrive at the office, say "Hi" to your assistant and ask, “Did you get my email? Is everything taken care of?” Your assistant responds with, “Yes, I got your email. In fact, I got all 27 of your emails. Oh, and I stayed up until midnight meticulously taking care of each one of them. Just like I’ve done for [...]

2021-11-22T16:09:44-06:00October 19, 2016|Leadership|

5 Steps to More Time, Energy, and Success

In today’s fast-paced, busy-is-productive society, we’re bombarded with texts, emails, deadlines, blog comments, meeting requests, employee conflicts, budget reviews, social media pings, and (fill in the blank). Is your blood pressure rising yet? You likely spend the majority of your day reacting to what’s seemingly urgent, which leaves you little, if any time or energy to work on what’s actually important. How much [...]

2021-11-02T10:20:38-05:00October 13, 2016|Avoiding Burnout, Leadership, Productivity, Resources|