For Executives and their Assistants

Ep #43: Nick Loper – Founder of Side Hustle Nation and Author of Virtual Assistant Assistant

I'm a firm believer in having multiple streams of income, or "Side Hustles," so I'm very excited for this episode! Nick Loper runs and hosts the award winning Side Hustle Show podcast, which features new part-time business ideas each week. One of Nick's many side hustles is his reviews website where he gathers reviews for the top VA firms. He's also author of [...]

2023-09-29T13:11:52-05:00January 12, 2020|Hiring an Assistant, Podcast|

Ep #42: Amanda Vinci – CEO and Founder of The EA Institute

My first interview episode of 2020 is with Amanda Vinci, Founder and CEO of The EA Institute. It was fun interviewing Amanda from the other side of the world (she’s in Melbourne, Australia, I’m in St. Louis, MO). Amanda is an internationally accredited coach and trainer, Meta Dynamics Practitioner, Accredited EDISC Consultant, and International Keynote Speaker. We talk about mentors, mistakes, recognizing and avoiding [...]

2023-09-29T13:10:11-05:00January 5, 2020|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep #41: Appendicitis and Happy New Year!

I no longer have an appendix but I still have my passion for helping the assistant community. Happy New Year and here's to an awesome 2020! Thanks for all the well wishes as I recover from my appendectomy, friends. Happy New Year and stay tuned for more amazing podcast interviews in the coming weeks! RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Enroll in the 30-Day Assistant [...]

2019-12-23T11:22:47-06:00December 29, 2019|Podcast|

Top 5 Leader Assistant Podcast Interviews in 2019

As 2019 comes to an end, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for many things – my family, my job, my friends, and the doctor who removed my appendix on Friday. I'm also extremely grateful for the thousands of assistants (over 63,000 in fact) all over the world who've listened to The Leader Assistant Podcast since I launched the show on March 31. I thought I'd [...]

2019-12-24T11:34:42-06:00December 24, 2019|Leadership, Podcast|

Ep #40: Jim Kelly – EA to Michael Hyatt

I can’t believe we’re at Episode 40 but here we are! I had the pleasure of interviewing Jim Kelly, who is Executive Assistant to Michael Hyatt, the CEO and Founder of Michael Hyatt & Company. Jim has some great tips on calendar management, including my favorite tactic – the ideal week. He also shares tips on managing email, contributing to your executive’s success, and [...]

2023-09-29T12:59:59-05:00December 22, 2019|Leadership, Podcast|

Ep #39: Michelle Parise – Former EA to the CEO of Pinterest

I’m very excited to share my conversation with the Michelle Parise, Former EA to the CEO of Pinterest, in Episode 39 of The Leader Assistant Podcast! Michelle Parise has over 15 years of experience as an Administrative Professional supporting CEOs in the fields of Commercial Real Estate, Venture Capital, and Technology. She took the job as EA to the CEO of Pinterest when they [...]

2023-09-29T12:57:24-05:00December 15, 2019|Podcast|

Ep #38: Lucy Brazier – CEO of Marcham Publishing, Publishers of Executive Secretary Magazine

Welcome to Episode 38, Leader Assistants! I'm very excited to share my conversation with the wonderful Lucy Brazier, CEO of Marcham Publishing, Publishers of Executive Secretary Magazine. I had the honor of finally meeting Lucy in person in Atlanta at her Executive Secretary Live event, and she was even more wonderful in person. She's even invited me to speak at Executive Secretary Live in [...]

2023-09-29T12:51:48-05:00December 8, 2019|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep #37: Jillian Hufnagel on OKRs and Leading a Team of Assistants

Jillian Hufnagel has been supporting executives for the last 18+ years in start-ups, SaaS, Healthcare, Education and Security companies, which gives her a unique vantage point on many relevant topics for assistants. I’m thrilled to share my conversation with Jillian on Episode 37 of The Leader Assistant Podcast. She shares an overview and quick history of goal setting with OKRs and MBOs for assistants. [...]

2023-09-29T12:46:40-05:00December 1, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

Ep #36: 6 Tips for Resting Well Over the Holidays

My executive likes to say email is the gateway drug of work, and slack is the crack of work. During the holidays this season, say no to drugs. Finishing the year strong is ok, but finishing the year rested is much better. Don’t work over the holidays if you can help it, and don’t convince yourself you can’t help it. Here are six tips [...]

2023-09-29T12:41:45-05:00November 24, 2019|Podcast|

Ep #35: Joan Burge – Founder and CEO of Office Dynamics International

Joan Burge is Founder and CEO of Office Dynamics International, host of the Office Dynamics Conference for Administrative Professionals. Joan has been training administrative professionals for almost 30 years. Before that, she worked as an assistant for 20 years. Lots of experience and wisdom to extract, so I did my best! Check out my conversation with Joan on Episode 35 of The Leader Assistant [...]

2023-09-29T12:38:52-05:00November 17, 2019|Podcast|