Check out the latest podcast episodes and show notes for The Leader Assistant Podcast with Jeremy Burrows.

Ep 310: Brooke Martin on the Importance of Work-Life Integration

Brooke Martin has been a full-time assistant for 8 years and is passionate about helping executives integrate their assistants into both their professional and personal lives. In this episode, Brooke talks about the importance of work-life integration (vs work-life balance), managing both business support and personal support in the assistant role, and the importance of over communication. LEADERSHIP QUOTE Trust is earned in the [...]

2024-12-16T20:03:25-06:00February 9, 2025|Podcast, Resources|

Ep 309: A Conversation About Titles on The Future Focused Admin Podcast

This episode features a conversation I had with Candice Burningham and Jessica McBride on an episode of their podcast, The Future Focused Admin. We dig into the debate of the "assistant" title, the varying costs of professional development for administrative professionals, and more. Enjoy! ABOUT THE FUTURE FOCUSED ADMIN PODCAST The Future Focused Admin podcast is hosted by Candice Burningham from Admin Avenues and [...]

2024-12-16T17:16:33-06:00February 2, 2025|Podcast, Resources|

Ep 308: What Exactly is a Chief of Staff? (with Maggie Olson)

Maggie Olson is the Founder of Nova Chief of Staff, the premier destination for Chief of Staff education and development. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Maggie dives into the basics of the Chief of Staff role, the differences between EA, CoS, COO, and CEO, the main responsibilities, and who makes a great Chief of Staff. CONNECT WITH MAGGIE Maggie on LinkedIn [...]

2024-11-19T15:57:17-06:00January 26, 2025|Podcast, Resources|

Ep 307: Maggie Olson on How to Support Change Management in the C-Suite

Maggie Olson is the Founder of Nova Chief of Staff, the premier destination for Chief of Staff education and development. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Maggie dives into the fact that change management is all about the people. She discusses how to approach change, message change, plan for change, and execute change, from the top. CONNECT WITH MAGGIE Maggie on LinkedIn [...]

2024-11-19T15:56:40-06:00January 19, 2025|Podcast, Resources|

Ep 306: Nova Chat – Neurodivergence in the C-Suite

This episode features a Nova Chat session hosted by Nova founder and CEO Maggie Olson. Maggie Olson chats with Sydney Elaine Butler, Eliana Bravos, and Jessica McBride about their personal experiences with neurodivergence in the c-suite, touching on topics like neuro-inclusion, intersectionality, masking at work, and resources to help navigate the challenges in the workplace that come along with being neurodiverse. ​We hope this [...]

2024-11-19T15:55:56-06:00January 12, 2025|Podcast|

Ep 304: Nova Chat – AI in the C-Suite

This episode features a Nova Chat session hosted by Nova founder and CEO Maggie Olson. In this conversation, Maggie leads a deep dive into the next five years of the AI landscape in the C-Suite, with panelists Lawrence Coburn, Jessica McBride, and Fiona Young examining the continued importance of AI for CEOs, EAs, and CoSs and sharing helpful advice for navigating new AI platforms [...]

2024-11-19T15:54:19-06:00December 29, 2024|Podcast|

Ep 303: Nova Chat with Clara Ma – Founder of Ask a Chief of Staff Network

This episode features a Nova Chat session hosted by Nova founder and CEO Maggie Olson. In this conversation, Maggie chats with Clara Ma, founder of Ask a Chief of Staff, as they discuss the role of a CoS and Clara's career journey. ABOUT CLARA Clara Ma is the Founder and CEO of Ask a Chief of Staff – the premier resource for Chiefs of Staff [...]

2024-11-19T15:53:00-06:00December 22, 2024|Podcast|

Ep 302: Nova Chat with Elise Kennedy – Family Office Chief of Staff

This episode features a Nova Chat session hosted by Nova founder and CEO Maggie Olson. Maggie sits down with a current and experienced Chief of Staff in the Consumer Technology industry, Elise Kennedy, to discuss what it's like holding an integral role with a family office and how she helped scale two companies to successful exits. ABOUT ELISE Elise Kennedy is a Chief of [...]

2024-11-19T15:51:40-06:00December 15, 2024|Podcast|

Ep 301: Nova Chat with Jared Blank – University of Texas Chief of Staff

This episode features a Nova Chat session hosted by Nova founder and CEO Maggie Olson. Maggie chats with the Chief of Staff for the University of Texas football program, Jared Blank. They discuss the role of chiefs of staff in college sports and how Jared navigates complex stakeholder relationships and multimillion-dollar budgets. ABOUT JARED ​Jared Blank is a results-oriented leader with an analytical sports [...]

2024-11-19T15:42:51-06:00December 8, 2024|Podcast, Resources|