I’m excited to officially announce (drumroll please)…
The first 3 episodes of my new podcast – The Leader Assistant Podcast – are now live on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and wherever you listen to podcasts!
In this podcast, I share practical lessons on productivity, leadership development, and everything in between.
I’ll also interview amazing guests (executives, assistants, thought leaders, and more) and I can’t wait to share our conversations with you.

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As excited as I am, I’ll be honest – publishing episode one was very intimidating and I was (and still am) nervous about it.

It’s one thing to share a blog post. It’s another to record your voice and share it – and all of it’s imperfections – with the world. 

I feel very vulnerable taking the risk of “shipping” what I’ve worked so hard to create.

So why did I decide to take the jump into the world of podcasting? 

For one, I enjoy the process of editing the audio for each episode. I now get the chance to use some of the skills I learned years ago while working in music. In fact, the intro music for the podcast is a song I made on GarageBand about 11 years ago. 🙂 

Additionally, I love listening to podcasts while I drive to work, mow the lawn, and do the dishes (I do dishes sometimes!). It’s a great medium for learning and hearing all sorts of perspectives on work and life.

But ultimately, I launched this podcast because I want to help as many assistants (and their executives) as possible. 

I’m amazed that less than 48 hours after the show published on iTunes, I’ve already been given opportunities to help others that I wouldn’t have had if I had kept this crazy idea in my head.

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed, listened, rated, and reviewed the show so far.

In fact, thanks to the amazing reviews and ratings of many of you, the show was featured in the “New & Noteworthy” section of the “Careers” category in the iTunes Podcasts store!

new and noteworthy itunes podcast leader assistant

I’m humbled by the initial response, but also extremely motivated to keep working hard to release helpful and practical episodes for you.

If you haven’t already, please subscribe and leave a rating and review on iTunes to help keep the momentum going. 🙂

If you’re not on iTunes you can listen online or subscribe via other podcast stores here.

Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the new podcast!

P.S. – If you’d like to receive an email when new episodes go live, join my email list here.

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