How to Recognize and Avoid Burnout

Something doesn’t feel right, but you’re too busy to figure out what it is. You’re stressed and exhausted, but everyone else is too, so you suck it up and push through. “Just keep grinding, no one cares how healthy I am. They just want me to produce,” you convince yourself. Those closest to you may spot it first, but they don’t always have the [...]

2018-12-26T16:55:46-06:00December 26, 2018|Avoiding Burnout|

Use Your Paid Time Off (All of It)

As I prepared for my family vacation this summer, I thought about how Americans are terrible at taking vacations. If you didn't know, check this out. In fact, I recently heard someone say, "I get 4 weeks of paid time off each year, but I only use 3 or 4 days." Sound crazy?  Well, I used to operate this way. Source: Over [...]

2017-08-16T04:39:01-05:00August 16, 2017|Avoiding Burnout|

How to Rest Well During the Holidays

It’s been a long, crazy, up and down year. You're running on fumes, but you tell yourself to “Finish strong” because you have too much work to do. Instead of looking forward to some time off, you’re dreaming about how much you could get done with a few days of uninterrupted time. You make all sorts of excuses about how far behind you are, [...]

2022-12-16T09:55:26-06:00December 7, 2016|Avoiding Burnout, Leadership|

5 Steps to More Time, Energy, and Success

In today’s fast-paced, busy-is-productive society, we’re bombarded with texts, emails, deadlines, blog comments, meeting requests, employee conflicts, budget reviews, social media pings, and (fill in the blank). Is your blood pressure rising yet? You likely spend the majority of your day reacting to what’s seemingly urgent, which leaves you little, if any time or energy to work on what’s actually important. How much [...]

2024-12-11T11:17:01-06:00October 13, 2016|Avoiding Burnout, Leadership, Productivity, Resources|

10 Driving Forces Behind Burnout

Burnout often happens when we least expect it. It almost happened to me (I wrote about it here). We know something isn’t right, but we can’t quite discern what, so we push through. Those around us know we're not healthy, but don’t have the courage to speak up. Then one day we wake up and realize we've burned out — or are dangerously close to it. Source: Paige B. [...]

2023-09-13T10:08:33-05:00September 20, 2016|Avoiding Burnout, Leadership|