9 Tools to Increase Productivity and Focus

If you've ever wasted a ton of time scrolling through your Facebook news feed, or have ever wished you could take back an email you sent, seconds after sending, today's post is for you. I'm always hesitant when someone says, "Check out this new tool I use to stay stay focused and increase productivity!" Why? Because generally not having a tool isn’t what keeps [...]

2019-10-18T19:48:58-05:00June 7, 2017|Productivity, Resources|

6 Questions Your Assistant Should Ask You

All sorts of headlines promise to show us how to enjoy life, be better, set goals, get more done, and so on. But often times, behind these headlines are posts with vague thoughts on work and life. They might inspire us to be more but do they actually help us day-to-day? My goal with this post is to give you something you can apply to your job today. [...]

2018-04-22T16:09:55-05:00December 22, 2016|Leadership, Productivity|

The Most Important Meeting of Your Week

I hate meetings. Long or short, large or small, food or no food, outside or inside, morning or afternoon – it doesn’t matter. Meetings drain the life out of me, and I’m guessing most of you feel the same. There’s even a book called, Meetings Suck. Unfortunately, meetings often resort to nothing more than a group of unproductive people, sitting around a table with [...]

2021-11-22T16:11:30-06:00November 9, 2016|Productivity, Resources|

5 Steps to More Time, Energy, and Success

In today’s fast-paced, busy-is-productive society, we’re bombarded with texts, emails, deadlines, blog comments, meeting requests, employee conflicts, budget reviews, social media pings, and (fill in the blank). Is your blood pressure rising yet? You likely spend the majority of your day reacting to what’s seemingly urgent, which leaves you little, if any time or energy to work on what’s actually important. How much [...]

2024-12-11T11:17:01-06:00October 13, 2016|Avoiding Burnout, Leadership, Productivity, Resources|