For Executives and their Assistants

Ep #34: Emily Burley – President of Executive Leadership Support (ELS)

Emily Burley is President of Executive Leadership Support (ELS), headquartered in Chicago, IL. ELS puts on amazing events for assistants, and I’m excited to share this episode with you. Emily talks about why she started ELS and gives us an inside look at the many ways they help assistants around the world. She also shares practical tips on how to ask for professional development [...]

2023-09-29T12:36:40-05:00November 10, 2019|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep #33: Maggie Jacobs – Executive Administrator to CEO of 6sense

If you look in the dictionary under “Leader Assistant” you’ll find the name Maggie Jacobs. Maggie loves to learn and grow, but she doesn’t stop there. She teaches what she’s learned to others in a powerful way. Maggie's story is amazing, and I’m stoked to share our conversation with you! We talk about how an assistant can and should fill the gaps at their [...]

2023-09-29T12:35:15-05:00November 3, 2019|Leadership, Podcast|

Ep #32: Bryan Miles – CEO and Co-Founder of BELAY Solutions

Bryan Miles is an entrepreneur, husband, father, backpacker, mountain climber, mentor, and writer. In addition, he’s the CEO and Co-Founder of BELAY, a premium staffing company serving businesses all over the U.S. I’ve come to know Bryan over the last few years and have watched BELAY (Formerly EAHelp) continue to grow. A couple of my good friends have a BELAY Virtual Assistant and they [...]

2023-09-29T12:33:17-05:00October 27, 2019|Hiring an Assistant, Podcast|

Goal Setting for Leader Assistants

I’m thrilled to share the following article from my friend Jillian Hufnagel on the important topic of goal setting for assistants. In fact, this is the first post from a guest contributor on the GoBurrows blog!  Source: Jillian has been supporting executives for the past 17+ years in start-ups, SaaS, Healthcare, Education and Security companies, which gives her a unique vantage [...]

2019-10-22T09:49:16-05:00October 20, 2019|Leadership, Resources|

Ep #31: Jess Gardiner – Founder of The Assistant Room

I’m excited to share my conversation with Jess Gardiner, Founder and Editor in Chief of The Assistant Room, an online magazine for assistants. Jess has a decade of experience as a C-Suite Executive Assistant, and shares several great insights in this episode. We talk about AI and the future of assistants, why being an assistant is some of the best training for those who [...]

2023-09-29T12:30:51-05:00October 20, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

Ep #30: Managing Ground Transportation for Your Executive with Savoya

Have you thought about improving ground transportation for your executive? If not, it's time you think twice before booking ground transportation for your executive(s). In this episode, I chat with the team from Savoya – a company that provides secure, executive ground transportation services. I have a great conversation with Meagan Gleason (Chief Operating Officer), and Dominic Miraglia (EVP of Sales & Marketing). We [...]

2023-09-29T12:28:54-05:00October 13, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

Ep #29: Eliza Bladon – EA to CTO at and Founder of SmarterEA

Eliza Bladon is Executive Assistant to the Co-Founder and CTO of, and also the founder of SmarterEA – a growing community of EAs on Slack.   Eliza is a leader in her company and a leader in the EA community at large so I am very excited to share our conversation with you! We talk about navigating and embracing change, finding a Llama [...]

2023-09-29T12:26:20-05:00October 6, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

Ep #28: Danielle Hill on Dealing with Conflict and Grabbing Your Seat at the Table

In this episode, I chat with Danielle Hill, former EA to the CEO of e.l.f. Beauty, as well as former EA to one of the co-founders of Pandora. Danielle and I talk about getting your seat at the table, handling conflict in the workplace, what executives can do to get more out of their assistants, and the importance of being proactive. Danielle also shares [...]

2023-09-29T12:24:15-05:00September 29, 2019|Podcast|

Ep #27: Urgent is Rarely Urgent

Calling something an “emergency” doesn’t make it a true emergency. Most things can wait. Urgent is rarely urgent. Think about the last time you received a text or phone call from your executive during your off hours. Could it have waited until you were back online to address? Most likely, the answer is yes. This episode is a reminder that urgent is rarely urgent. [...]

2019-09-18T20:58:54-05:00September 22, 2019|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|