Ep 186: Rachael Bonetti on Self-Care and Avoiding Burnout

Rachael Bonetti has 27 years of experience as an executive assistant supporting a high profile billionaire, prominent business leaders, entrepreneurs, change makers, thought leaders, and high performing CEOs. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Rachael talks about the importance of prioritizing yourself, avoiding burnout, and the biggest blocks assistants face in their careers and life. LEADERSHIP QUOTE One of the criticisms I’ve [...]

2023-09-30T19:26:55-05:00September 25, 2022|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep 183: Dr. Sharon Grossman on How to Save Your Sanity and Prevent Burnout

Dr. Sharon Grossman helps high achievers crack the code of their burnout so they can find tailored solutions for recovery. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Dr. Sharon walks us through the why we burnout, how to fight it, and how assistants can lead by example to help their executive's resist burnout. I hope you enjoy our conversation! LEADERSHIP QUOTE A leader [...]

2023-09-30T19:23:36-05:00September 4, 2022|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep 181: Dr. Heather Denniston – Wellness Strategist and CEO of WELLFITandFED

Dr. Heather Denniston bridges the connection between personal well-being and professional success for elite leaders and their teams. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Dr. Denniston shares her career journey, chats about well-being (at home and at work), and walks through the concept of "Energy Leakage Liability" and how we unnecessarily spill our limited energy. Be sure to download Dr. Denniston's free [...]

2023-09-30T19:16:54-05:00August 21, 2022|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep 172: Minimizing Stress and Preventing Burnout with Al-Husein Madhany and Meagan Strout

My friend Meagan Strout (CEO of Tack Advisors - the leading provider of management consulting and recruitment for administrative professionals) agreed to share the recording of this recent webinar she hosted with Al-Husein Madhany. Meagan and Al-Husein (Founding partner of Tack Advisors and co-founder of The Leader Assistant Premium Membership) discuss strategies for balancing your work and personal commitments and how to navigate stress [...]

2023-09-30T16:11:13-05:00June 19, 2022|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep 165: Tiara Hines – Executive Assistant to the CFO of Olo

Tiara Hines is a self-proclaimed “Chief” Executive Assistant currently supporting the Chief Financial Officer of Olo. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Tiara talks about what it means to be a "Chief" executive assistant, and how habits and routines + health and wellness make you a better assistant. LEADERSHIP QUOTE Leadership is an action, not a position. CONNECT WITH TIARA @threefifthscollective Tiara's [...]

2023-09-30T15:51:10-05:00May 1, 2022|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep 151: Executive Assistants and Burnout Creep

Burnout is tricky because it can creep up on us when we least expect it. If I had seen my, or my previous executive's, burnout coming–and understood its consequences–I would've tried to prevent it. Instead, it took him getting fired and me getting stuck in the middle of my career glacier for me to realize how unhealthy I was. In this episode, I share [...]

2022-01-08T12:24:04-06:00January 23, 2022|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

3 Things I Learned About Myself in 2021

The amazing and challenging year of 2021 is almost over. As I reflect on all that's happened this year, I find it helpful to consider a more personal version of the question, "What have I learned this year?" So I thought I'd share a few quick answers to the more specific question, "What have I learned about myself this year?" Here goes nothing... #1 [...]

2021-12-28T18:48:59-06:00December 28, 2021|Avoiding Burnout|

Ep 131: Luiza Schneider – Executive Assistant at Schaeffler South America

After some interesting professional and international experiences that helped her acquire many of the skills for her job as an EA, Luiza Schneider achieved career fulfillment in the administrative profession, which she has been performing in for 15 years. Luiza currently works as Executive Assistant for Schaeffler South America. In this episode of The Leader Assistant Podcast, Luiza talks about the importance of prioritizing [...]

2023-09-30T13:59:25-05:00September 5, 2021|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep 119: Ruth Kilah on Prioritizing Your Health and Maximizing Productivity

Ruth Kilah is the Founder and CEO of Hoxton Hyde, a workshop and online course provider that helps assistants increase their productivity and prioritize work life balance. In this episode, Ruth and I discuss recognizing burnout, setting up and communicating boundaries with our executives, and how productivity improves when we slow down and prioritize our health and wellbeing. THIS EPISODE'S SPONSOR SwipedOn is the [...]

2023-09-30T12:49:50-05:00June 13, 2021|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|

Ep 107: Deborah Mendes on Health and Wellness in the Workplace

Deborah Mendes is a senior executive assistant with 20 years experience supporting high level executives in large global companies. In this episode, Deborah shares her tips on managing constant interruptions, self-care, self-awareness, and health and wellness in the workplace. LEADERSHIP QUOTE Every CEO should look into a preventive way of approaching workplace well-being and sick leave management. - Yann Toutant, CEO of Econcom NL [...]

2023-09-29T19:25:14-05:00March 21, 2021|Avoiding Burnout, Podcast|