
Ep #26: Annie Croner – Founder of Whole Assistant

I love the internet. I've met so many people online I would have never met otherwise, including today's guest, Annie Croner. This episode was fun because I had already been interviewed by Annie for her website, so it was nice to return the favor and be the one asking the questions this time around. Annie founded Whole Assistant to empower and encourage assistants and [...]

2023-09-29T12:22:14-05:00September 15, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

Ep #25: Nicky Christmas – Founder of Practically Perfect PA

There are dozens of blogs and resources for assistants today, but not many have been around as long as Practically Perfect PA, and even fewer publish content on a consistent basis. In this episode, you get the honor of hearing from Nicky Christmas – the woman behind the Practically Perfect PA movement. We talk about side hustles, productivity for assistants, the nuances between a [...]

2023-09-29T12:19:22-05:00September 8, 2019|Podcast, Productivity, Resources|

Ep #20: 3 Tips for Scheduling Meetings

In my decade plus of experience as an executive assistant, I’ve come up with several tricks to a good system for setting up meetings that help me be efficient, helpful to others, and ultimately take control of my executive's calendar. In this episode, I take a break from interviews (don't worry, the next few episodes are some great interviews with great people!) to share [...]

2019-07-28T08:27:04-05:00July 28, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

Announcing the Leader Assistant Podcast

I'm excited to officially announce (drumroll please)... The first 3 episodes of my new podcast – The Leader Assistant Podcast – are now live on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and wherever you listen to podcasts! In this podcast, I share practical lessons on productivity, leadership development, and everything in between. I'll also interview amazing guests (executives, assistants, thought leaders, and more) and I can't wait to share our conversations [...]

2019-07-06T20:22:11-05:00April 7, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

How to Avoid an Email Apocalypse (7 Tips for Managing Your Inbox)

Each day we wake up to face tens, hundreds, or even thousands of them. No matter where we are, they find us and try to drain the life out of us. Some of us feel sick just thinking about them. No, I’m not talking about zombies. I’m talking about emails. Ah, your inbox… the never-ending stream of digital text, images, attachments, sales pitches, and [...]

2019-10-20T14:08:52-05:00May 7, 2018|Productivity, Resources|

9 Tools to Increase Productivity and Focus

If you've ever wasted a ton of time scrolling through your Facebook news feed, or have ever wished you could take back an email you sent, seconds after sending, today's post is for you. I'm always hesitant when someone says, "Check out this new tool I use to stay stay focused and increase productivity!" Why? Because generally not having a tool isn’t what keeps [...]

2019-10-18T19:48:58-05:00June 7, 2017|Productivity, Resources|