

For Executives and their Assistants

Stop Making Excuses Not to Hire an Assistant

Many executives, business owners, pastors, and entrepreneurs struggle with the difficult decision of whether or not to hire an assistant. If that’s you, I get it. There are a lot of things to consider. As I talk to leaders working through this decision, I hear many excuses for why they don’t think they need an assistant. So, I thought I’d list out the most [...]

2020-04-21T08:26:33-05:00October 6, 2017|Hiring an Assistant|

Use Your Paid Time Off (All of It)

As I prepared for my family vacation this summer, I thought about how Americans are terrible at taking vacations. If you didn't know, check this out. In fact, I recently heard someone say, "I get 4 weeks of paid time off each year, but I only use 3 or 4 days." Sound crazy?  Well, I used to operate this way. Source: Over [...]

2017-08-16T04:39:01-05:00August 16, 2017|Avoiding Burnout|

An Open Letter to Executives: Respect the Assistants

To C-Suite Executives, VPs, Pastors, Managers, and Leadership Team Members: Many of you are very kind, professional, and understanding when relating to assistants. If that’s you, thank you for treating us as colleagues and partners. We love to serve, and leaders like you make it more enjoyable and fulfilling to do so. If not for you, many of us would have given up on [...]

2019-06-05T17:49:32-05:00July 23, 2017|Leadership|

9 Tools to Increase Productivity and Focus

If you've ever wasted a ton of time scrolling through your Facebook news feed, or have ever wished you could take back an email you sent, seconds after sending, today's post is for you. I'm always hesitant when someone says, "Check out this new tool I use to stay stay focused and increase productivity!" Why? Because generally not having a tool isn’t what keeps [...]

2019-10-18T19:48:58-05:00June 7, 2017|Productivity, Resources|

How To Onboard A New Assistant

How do you onboard a new assistant? Or how do you onboard a new CEO? Great questions! The first six weeks of my job as Executive Assistant to the CEO/Co-Founder of a new artificial intelligence software company was hectic – as is the case with most startups – but overall it went well. This is a post I wrote while in the thick of the [...]

2023-03-17T15:04:37-05:00February 16, 2017|Hiring an Assistant|

6 Questions Your Assistant Should Ask You

All sorts of headlines promise to show us how to enjoy life, be better, set goals, get more done, and so on. But often times, behind these headlines are posts with vague thoughts on work and life. They might inspire us to be more but do they actually help us day-to-day? My goal with this post is to give you something you can apply to your job today. [...]

2018-04-22T16:09:55-05:00December 22, 2016|Leadership, Productivity|

How to Rest Well During the Holidays

It’s been a long, crazy, up and down year. You're running on fumes, but you tell yourself to “Finish strong” because you have too much work to do. Instead of looking forward to some time off, you’re dreaming about how much you could get done with a few days of uninterrupted time. You make all sorts of excuses about how far behind you are, [...]

2022-12-16T09:55:26-06:00December 7, 2016|Avoiding Burnout, Leadership|