For Executives and their Assistants

What Pushing Carts at Walmart Taught Me About Company Culture

When I was 17 years old, I worked in the Pet Department at a Walmart Supercenter in Kansas City, MO. I stocked cat-litter, dog-food, and sold goldfish in plastic bags to customers I knew I’d see the following week looking for a replacement “Goldie.” During one particularly hot and humid Missouri summer month, I was repeatedly asked to go outside in the heat to [...]

2018-06-17T15:47:30-05:00June 17, 2018|Leadership|

How to Avoid an Email Apocalypse (7 Tips for Managing Your Inbox)

Each day we wake up to face tens, hundreds, or even thousands of them. No matter where we are, they find us and try to drain the life out of us. Some of us feel sick just thinking about them. No, I’m not talking about zombies. I’m talking about emails. Ah, your inbox… the never-ending stream of digital text, images, attachments, sales pitches, and [...]

2019-10-20T14:08:52-05:00May 7, 2018|Productivity, Resources|

Top 5 Ways to Thank Your Assistant

A couple weeks ago, I heard a story about how an executive and his wife put on a party for their assistant and other assistants in their company. They did all the work themselves and would not let their assistant help with any of it. Seems simple, right? It is, but have you done something like this for your assistant? This got me thinking [...]

2018-03-13T15:32:24-05:00March 13, 2018|Leadership|

An Open Letter to Assistants: You Are A Leader

For years, I thought leaders were the ones in charge, or the ones with important titles. It turns out, everyone has influence and is a leader to those around them – even if they don't acknowledge it. Does your assistant see themselves as a leader? Today's post is an open thank you letter directly to my fellow assistants, encouraging them to see themselves as [...]

2022-11-10T12:14:59-06:00January 31, 2018|Leadership|

A Thank You Note to Executives

I recently published an open letter to executives asking them to respect assistants. I’ve been overwhelmed by the response I’ve received. Hundreds of assistants have shared, liked, commented, and reached out to thank me for speaking out on their behalf. Unfortunately, many of them echoed my experiences with disrespect among leaders. I hope my letter encouraged many of those assistants to stand up for [...]

2023-01-03T14:25:50-06:00December 4, 2017|Leadership|

Stop Making Excuses Not to Hire an Assistant

Many executives, business owners, pastors, and entrepreneurs struggle with the difficult decision of whether or not to hire an assistant. If that’s you, I get it. There are a lot of things to consider. As I talk to leaders working through this decision, I hear many excuses for why they don’t think they need an assistant. So, I thought I’d list out the most [...]

2020-04-21T08:26:33-05:00October 6, 2017|Hiring an Assistant|