For Executives and their Assistants

Ep #5: Don’t Waste Your Commute

How long is your commute? Are you intentional with the time you have in your car, on the bus, or on the train? Don't waste your commute! In today's episode, I share some thoughts on this topic that I recorded (safely) while on my way to work one morning. Check out this article in Bloomberg about the most expensive commutes in America. If we [...]

2019-11-01T18:17:46-05:00April 10, 2019|Podcast|

Ep #4: LinkedIn and Managing Your Boss’ Inbox

Are you utilizing LinkedIn? Do you manage your boss' inbox? If not, why? Listen to the birds chirp in the background as I share some random thoughts on LinkedIn and managing your boss' inbox from my backyard. This is Melba Duncan's article in the Harvard Business Review I mention in this episode. Connect with me on LinkedIn at In case you missed it, [...]

2019-10-15T14:25:01-05:00April 8, 2019|Podcast|

Announcing the Leader Assistant Podcast

I'm excited to officially announce (drumroll please)... The first 3 episodes of my new podcast – The Leader Assistant Podcast – are now live on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and wherever you listen to podcasts! In this podcast, I share practical lessons on productivity, leadership development, and everything in between. I'll also interview amazing guests (executives, assistants, thought leaders, and more) and I can't wait to share our conversations [...]

2019-07-06T20:22:11-05:00April 7, 2019|Podcast, Resources|

Ep #3: How Assistants Become Leaders

In Episode 3 I share an excerpt from a webinar I taught for my friend Nicky Christmas' Virtual Summit on in June of 2018. I talk about 3 tensions assistants must learn to manage well if they want to become Leader Assistants. For this episode, I have a transcript of that session I thought I'd share so check it out below. LEADERSHIP QUOTE [...]

2020-02-21T23:10:01-06:00April 5, 2019|Leadership, Podcast|

Ep #2: A Thank You Note to Assistants

Assistants are crucial to the success of their organization and their executive. In fact, they are one of the most valuable members of the team. In Episode 2 of the Leader Assistant Podcast, I spend a few minutes thanking assistants – the ones who do so much work behind the scenes that no one sees. Assistants, be encouraged and please share with your assistant [...]

2019-06-23T16:48:35-05:00April 1, 2019|Podcast|

Ep #1: Characteristics of a Leader Assistant

I'm so excited to launch the Leader Assistant Podcast! To be honest, publishing episode one is very intimidating. It's one thing to write a blog post. It's another to record your voice and share it – and all of it's imperfections – with the world. I know I'll get better over time, but it's really hard to listen to your own voice. If you [...]

2019-04-05T16:33:44-05:00March 30, 2019|Leadership, Podcast|

How to Recognize and Avoid Burnout

Something doesn’t feel right, but you’re too busy to figure out what it is. You’re stressed and exhausted, but everyone else is too, so you suck it up and push through. “Just keep grinding, no one cares how healthy I am. They just want me to produce,” you convince yourself. Those closest to you may spot it first, but they don’t always have the [...]

2018-12-26T16:55:46-06:00December 26, 2018|Avoiding Burnout|